Thursday, February 19, 2015

Shrimp Spotlight: Blue Bolt/Blue Mothra

Love the gemlike head!
Berried Mosura Blue Bolt
Sorry sorry! I know this post was suppose to be a spotlight on the Orange Eyes Blue Tigers but I haven't had a chance to visit my parents to actually take photos. I'm hoping that this weekend I will find some time to devote to photography.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Photoburst: Japanese Red Bees

One of the ladies inside the tank experienced their 2nd release because I'm seeing teeny tiny babies clinging on to the substrate and wall of the tank. I'm starting to be less nervous about my JRB because the colony is growing. Starting with only 4 is quite scary but I'm fortunate to have very good parameters due to a few secret prodcuts.

Brave Momma!

Fanning her belly
Handsome male ^.^
I'm not sure what it is that caused the mothers to venture out, but I'm glad they're feeling more comfortable with the tank to venture out and explore. For the longest time they would hide and only the male would patrol the tank. I feel like with the colony growing and their numbers increasing, they are feeling more secure with their environment and venturing out.

Interesting observation:

I added 3 ottos to each of the 25 Cubes and they're doing very well. In the past, I would always have a few die-off whenever I added them to the tank. I would usually only have 1 inside a tank that survives. This time around, all 6 ottos survived and doing exceptionally well.  I never knew ottos like to school. The three would stick together and school together. They look so dark and their skin is very healthy. Both shrimps and fish are doing exceptionally well. There must be some magic in the water. 0_o

Next update will be focused on my OEBT. They need some love. I've had them for 2 months now and the population is doing extremely well. I'm seeing babies everywhere and the young adults have grown into beautiful adults.

Thank you for reading!


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Photoburst: Japanese Black Bee & BlackBees

This weekend was dedicated to maintaining tanks and waterchanges of tanks at my parent's home. Some might already know that I house my shrimps tanks in two different locations and dedicate each weekend to performing waterchanges at each. 

This week, it was the tanks at my parent's home which happens to be the location where my Japanese Bees and a majority of my PRL are living. As such, I had the opportunity to take some pretty great photos.

As usual, my Japanese Black Bees and BlackBees were less shy and more optimistic to get their photos taken. My Japanese Red Bees were a bit more shy and decided hide. The only willing participant was the male of the JRB tank. Although he is quite handsome, I'll have to wait until I have more photos of the females. I'll post the photo of him in HD when I have more photos of the females of the tank. This time around, I will be mainly doing a photo dump for my JRB and BlackBees.

Please enjoy!

...they grow up so fast..

Playful Exuberance
Eating with mommie
Family dining

no fear... no share...
...exiled to the kiddy table...
Not sure if I've mentioned before but with the 1st broodlings growing up so fast, the oven's been baking and my 2nd brood have just arrived. The 2nd group is less than a week old but already showing fantastic colors. I can already easily spot them congregating among their older siblings. I'm also really happy/excited to inform you that a few babies from the 1st brood started to show the blue-face features common among their mothers. This is exciting for me as I simply adore the trait!!

With the seasonal changes about, my shrimps have sensed this and started gearing up their breeding. As such, I hope everyone is experiencing similar success! I hope everyone has a great 2015 kickoff and tanks full of babies!!

Thank you!


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Shrimp Spotlight: Red Bolt!?!

With recent turns of events, my Red Wine/Ruby Red colony has experienced quite a turn-around and started showing signs of vigor and robustness. With babies surviving and adults shrugging off their winter chills, my colony is starting to reproduce again! I find myself with more and more babies very week! With the 4th batch of babies maturing into young juveniles, my other young female adult have made it past her pregnancy and given birth to the tank's 5th batch of babies. This newest batch is quite small (the brood consists roughly of 10-15 babies) as the mother is still young and this may be the first time she experienced giving birth. I expect this young mother to carry more and more as she mature.

The main focus of today is the POTENTIAL of me having a Red Bolt. Now I am aware that are photos of "Red Bolts" floating around the net. I want to say that this isn't my first experience with these "Red Bolt." Another German hobbyist reported and documented what he called a "Red Bolt" a while back. When I received my Red Wines from a buddy, he informed me that his Red Wine colony were throwing out random colored Bees that were similar to "Red Bolt" or so he said from what he was able to gather online.  My saying POTENTIAL and constantly quoting of the word RED BOLT is due to the fact that I am not 100% sure that what I have is truly a "Red Bolt" and not just a horrible Golden Bee. There is a fine line, and I don't want to be the guy to sell someone on the idea of a crappy Golden Bee as a "Red Bolt." There are far too many profiteers out there quick to label something to make money, I don't want to be THAT guy. I'll continue to track and monitor the development of this "Red Bolt" until he/she is older and I can further determine what he/she really is. To be honest color isn't quite "BOLT" status like their bluer cousins but ehh... beggars can't be choosers. Regardless, this will be either an exciting confirmation or an interesting beginning to some fun breeding experiments!

Here are photos!!

A small update before I conclude the post. With regards to the cycling of the rimless 10G, I'm almost 100% certain the tank is cycled and good to go. I just haven't had time to really test the parameters for confirmation but I will this weekend. As for the Japanese Black/Red Bees, I've noticed that the JBB have released their second brood of babies. The JRB female are still berried and showing great signs that they'll be carrying their clutch to maturity without fail. The BlackBees from the first clutch are growing up super fast and they have just amazing colors! I cannot wait for some free time this weekend to work on the tanks and take some photos! I also have a secret project I've brooding that I'm exciting to start. ALSO ALSO, there's a big event coming up next week. Folks following should definitely stay tuned!

Until next time!
